Disney · Pixar fans have received their gift after waiting for nine years: Toy Story 4 has finally reached theaters in Spain. The fourth and last adventure of Woody and Buzz Lightyear is already available in theaters and has some surprises that should be warned. No, despite the fact that all Pixar films please the audience with a new and ingenious short film, this film does not have that introduction. The reason? Do not move from your seat because Toy Story 4 does have several scenes after the credits that are worth seeing.
It is the first time that Mickey Mouse House makes this decision, but for a good cause. The scenes you'll find at the end of director Josh Cooley's first job will give you a smile you need after your final tear-gas. So we recommend you not leave the room until the last word of all the credit titles appears on the screen. And the last one is the last one. As if it were a Marvel Studios movie.
Those who have not yet seen the film should stop reading because the content of this little surprise is below these lines. It is no surprise that the fourth installment of the first franchise created by Pixar has old characters and others that we have never seen. Duke Kaboom (Keanu Reeves), Bunny (Jordan Peele), Ducky (Keegan-Michael Key) and Bo Peep (Annie Potts) will become Woody's new family (Tom Hanks) when the tape ends.
Spoiler! The cowboy who has always looked after Andy and Bonnie has decided to turn the page and start helping all those children who need to find a toy that protects them. This is the reason why Buzz and Woody will never live together and why he decides to stay to live in the fair in which so many little ones bet their money to get dolls. In one of the three extra scenes that are in the middle of the credits, Ducky and Bunny manage to surprise Duke Kaboom with his crazy imaginary adventures by telling a story in which they shoot with their eyes and are so big as to destroy a whole city.
Of course, Disney has also prepared a small look inside Bonnie's room, where it is now Jessie who goes to school with Bonnie and where the protagonist will create another toy: the perfect girlfriend for Forky from a knife. Of course, the fun fork will live another crisis when the first asked about the meaning of life, a topic that has never spoken with Woody.
The final surprise occurs when, at the end of all the credits, Caboom appears making maneuvers with his motorcycle and jumping on the "i" of Pixar as if it were Luxo. Finally, the tiny Combat Carl appears that so many 'hits the five' has tried to get and ... he gets it!