As of today, September 19, 2019, science fiction fans will be served two absolute genre highlights on Amazon Prime: In addition to the anime classic "Ghost In The Shell," subscribers will also be able to enjoy Christopher Nolan's dream thriller "Inception."
While Netflix has already announced the streaming offer for October 2019, the range is also steadily expanding in the competition: After yesterday found the Oscar-dominated drama "Capernaum - City of Hope" the way to the streaming platform, there is next to the Jason -Statham -Klopper "Redemption - Hour of Vengeance" from today to see two absolute cracker on Amazon, which are likely to inspire especially sci-fi fans: "Ghost In The Shell" and "Inception".
In 2029 humans and cyborgs live peacefully in coexistence, after all, many people have meanwhile replaced parts of their bodies with artificial implants - only the brain can not be synthesized synthetically. But the cyborgs now have their own personality, the so-called "shell", which is inside their bio-capsule.
A fact that the hacker "Puppet Master" takes advantage of. He is able to manipulate and consequently control those "ghosts" - and let them dance his puppets like a puppeteer.
Mamoru's Oshii's "Ghost In The Shell" is based on the same manga and is one of the largest and most popular anime of all time. In 2017, a real-time remake followed with Scarlett Johansson in the lead role.