The megastar has posted yet another video on coronavirus. Recently the central government has called for the adoption of the Janata curfew in the wake of the corona. On Sunday, all the people of the country were asked to confine themselves to homes.
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The public is advised to stay home from 7 am to 9 pm. Megastar responded to this. He posted a video in support of Modi's Janata curfew. It is time to praise the doctors, nurses, volunteers, other medical health teams, the police and the government who work 24 hours a day for coronavirus control.
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We have all volunteered for the Janata curfew on Sunday from 7 am to 9 pm on the call of Prime Minister Modi. Homes are limited. It is time for each person to come to the doorstep of our house and thank those who are serving with the sounds of trumpets. That is our virtue.