After Khushi, Vijay Deverakonda's latest film is The Family Star. After the blockbuster success of Geetha Govindam, Parasuram Petla, Gopi Sundar and Vijay's combination of this movie had huge expectations from the beginning. Moreover, Dil Raju is producing this film under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, the top production company of Tollywood, and Mrunal Thakur has also joined the film, so the film has become the talk of the town. Moreover, the already-released promotion teasers and trailers have received a good response from the public, and there are huge expectations for the movie.
The promotions of this film, which came amid many expectations, started a week and ten days before the release of the film. Vijay Devarakonda and Mrunal Thakur took the film to the masses by carrying out various promotional activities like never before. And producer Dil Raju, while dancing together, giving interviews with his family. Recently, this movie was released on Friday (April 5) worldwide in Telugu, Tamil and other languages. And Vijay and Parashuram re-did their old magic, how is the talk of the people all over the world on the film..
The Family Star has been released in India as well as overseas and mixed reports are coming from all over. They say that the family emotions are good and the comedy is a workout. Vijay and Parashuram have proved their successful combo once again. First stop Mrinal Thakur's screen presence is good. The sentimental scenes of the second half are full of comments. It is said that the current middle class problems are seen in a funny way and Vijay Mrunal (Mrunal Thakur) couple is super.
Despite this.. negative talk is also coming like positive talk about the movie. As always, the negative talk that started on Vijay (VijayDeverakonda) before the release of the film is continuing even after the release of the film. They are tweeting that the movie The Family Star is a serial, there is nothing new, the movie has been made with a routine story, Geeta Govindam formula has been used here, the comedy has not been worked out, there are boring scenes and repeated scenes here and there.
Some others are commenting that if you watch the movie with a normal, feisty mind, you should not go to the movie without any expectations. But as long weekend, Ugadi festival and summer holidays are coming well for the movie, it is expected that the movie will break even. Let's see how successful the movie will be in terms of collections.