The film's story revolves around Veerasekaran Senapathy (Kamal Haasan), who comes to India to fight against corruption. He is aided by Chitra Varadarajan (Siddharth), who exposes corrupt politicians through online videos. The story raises many issues of society, which make the audience think.
Another important aspect is the technical aesthetics of the film. Combining Anirudh Ravichander's music and Ravi Varman, R. Rathnavelu's cinematography gives the film a wide and deep feel. The production design and visual effects are also excellent, supervised by V. Srinivas Mohan.
Along with Kamal Haasan, the film also stars Rakul Preet Singh, S.J. Suryah, Bobby Simha and others, whose performances are excellent along with the director's candidates on screen.
Overall, 'Indian 2' is not a film but a cinematic experience that has lived up to the expectations of its audience. While reviewing it, it can be considered a golden opportunity that can establish it as one of the best films of the year.